We are thrilled to announce MultilayerGraphs.jl: a Julia package for the construction, manipulation and analysis of multilayer graphs extending Graphs.jl.
MultilayerGraphs.jl provides two custom types, MultilayerGraph
and MultilayerDiGraph
, together with utilities to handle and analyse undirected and directed multilayer graphs implementing the mathematical formulation proposed by De Domenico et al. (2013).
The graphs composing the multilayer graph (i.e. layers and interlayers) can be of any type as long as they are proper extensions of AbstractGraph{T}
. Then, since this package heavily relies on Graphs.jl and all of its extensions, it may also serve as a playground to test the overall status and consistency of the ecosystem API.
Main Features
In the code block below we illustrate the main features of the package.
# Import necessary packages
using Graphs
using SimpleWeightedGraphs, MetaGraphs, SimpleValueGraphs
using MultilayerGraphs
# Set graph attributes
n_nodes = 5 # Number of nodes
min_edges = n_nodes # Minimum number of edges
max_edges = 10 # Maximum number of edges
# Define some graphs underlying layers and interlayers
simpledigraph = SimpleDiGraph(n_nodes, rand(min_edges:max_edges))
simpleweighteddigraph = SimpleWeightedDiGraph(n_nodes, rand(min_edges:max_edges))
metadigraph = MetaDiGraph(simpleweighteddigraph)
simplevalueoutgraph = ValOutDiGraph( SimpleDiGraph(n_nodes,rand(min_edges:max_edges));
edgeval_types=(Int64, ),
edgeval_init=(s, d) -> (s + d, )
simplevaluedigraph = ValDiGraph( SimpleDiGraph(n_nodes,rand(min_edges:max_edges));
edgeval_types=(Int64, ),
edgeval_init=(s, d) -> (s + d, )
# Collect all graphs in a vector
layer_graphs = [simpledigraph, simpleweighteddigraph, metadigraph, simplevalueoutgraph, simplevaluedigraph]
# Define layers
layers = [ Layer(Symbol("layer_$i"), # Layer's name
graph; # Layer's underlying graph
U = Float64) # Layer's adjacency matrix `eltype`
for (i,graph) in enumerate(layer_graphs)
# Define interlayers. Here we use the constructor for random interlayers.
## Note that the user does not need to specify all interlayers: the unspecified one s will be taken care of by the MultilayerDiGraph constructor, that will initialize them according to the a default interlayer type passed via the keyword argument `default_interlayer_type`
interlayers = [ Interlayer(n_nodes, # Number of nodes
:interlayer_layer_1_layer_2, # Interlayer's name
:layer_1, # Source layer name
:layer_2, # Destination layer name
SimpleDiGraph{Int64}, # Underlying graph type
rand(min_edges:max_edges); # Number of edges
U = Float64 # Interlayers's adjacency matrix `eltype`
Interlayer(n_nodes, :interlayer_layer_1_layer_3,:layer_1, :layer_3, SimpleWeightedDiGraph{Int64}, rand(min_edges:max_edges); U = Float64 ), # Create another interlayer, the others will be automatically specified
# Define the MultilayerDiGraph
multilayerdigraph = MultilayerDiGraph(layers, interlayers)
# There are many other constructors for Layer, Interlayer and Multilayer(Di)Graph! Make sure to check them out in the documentation or in the REPL.
# Get all layers
# Get all Interlayers
# Get the adjacency_tensor
# Add an edge
add_edge!(multilayerdigraph, MultilayerVertex(1, :layer_1), MultilayerVertex(2, :layer_4)) # MultilayerVertex(1, :layer_1) refers to vertex 1 (i.e. the representation of node 1) in layer 1
## Check that the edge has been added
@assert has_edge(multilayerdigraph, MultilayerVertex(1, :layer_1), MultilayerVertex(2, :layer_4))
@assert multilayerdigraph.adjacency_tensor[1,2,1,4] == 1.0 # indexing is [vertex_1, vertex_2, vertex_1_layer_index, vertex_2_layer_index]
# Remove an edge
rem_edge!(multilayerdigraph, MultilayerVertex(1, :layer_1), MultilayerVertex(2, :layer_4))
## Check that the edge has been removed
@assert !has_edge(multilayerdigraph, MultilayerVertex(1, :layer_1), MultilayerVertex(2, :layer_4))
@assert multilayerdigraph.adjacency_tensor[1,2,1,4] == 0.0 # indexing is [vertex_1, vertex_2, vertex_1_layer_index, vertex_2_layer_index]
# Since Multilayer(Di)Graphs are extensions of Graphs.jl (https://juliagraphs.org/Graphs.jl/dev/ecosystem/interface/) all methods defined for AbstractGraph also work for Multilayer(Di)Graph.
## Below are some examples of multilayer-specific functions and of Graphs.jl's functions that had to be reimplemented anyway for technical reasons.
# Get the overlay monoplex graph
# Get the depth-weighted global clustering coefficient, with weights so that it coincides with the global clustering coefficient
wcc = multilayer_weighted_global_clustering_coefficient(multilayerdigraph, [1/3, 1/3, 1/3])
@assert wcc β multilayer_global_clustering_coefficient(multilayerdigraph)
# Get the eigenvector centrality of each vertex and the relative error at each iteration of the algorithm that computes it
eig_centrality, errs = eigenvector_centrality( multilayerdigraph;
norm = "n", # Normalization factor
tol = 1e-3 # Target relative inter-iteration error
# Get the modularity, given a clustering
modularity( multilayerdigraph,
rand([1, 2, 3, 4], length(nodes(multilayerdigraph)),length(multilayerdigraph.layers)) # Communities
# Von Neumann Entropy is currently implemented only for undirected multilayer graphs (i.e. for MultilayerGraph).
## You can find it in the tutorial included in the package documentation.
Future Developments
The package is currently under development and further steps would benefit enormously from the precious feedback of the JuliaGraph people, graph theorists, network scientists and all the users who might have general questions or suggestions.
Here we highlight the major future developments we have currently identified:
- Better integration with Graphs.jl (e.g. move the
to Graphs.jl, standardize graphs constructors, etc.); - Better integration with MetaGraphs.jl and SimpleValueGraphs.jl. Although it is possible to specify a
as layer and/or interlayer, they are not yet fully supported (i.e. API may be a little unfit for them). An example using MetaGraphs, SimpleValueGraphs can be found at our announcement post here; - Optimise the adjacency tensor;
- More intuitive constructor for
; - Implement specialised and simplified API for
; - Implement visualisation functionalities;
- Implement other features and methods for the analysis of multilayer graphs following the scientific literature:
- KivelΓ€ et al. (2014) Multilayer networks. Journal of Complex Networks
- Cozzo et al. (2015) Structure of triadic relations in multiplex networks. New Journal of Physics
- De Domenico et al. (2015) MuxViz: a tool for multilayer analysis and visualization of networks. Journal of Complex Networks
- De Domenico et al. (2015) Ranking in interconnected multilayer networks reveals versatile nodes. Nature Communications
- De Domenico (2022) Multilayer Networks: Analysis and Visualization. Springer Cham
For more information, tutorials and API reference please visit the documentation.
Feel free to open discussions, issues or PRs. They are very welcome!
Author | GitHub | Discourse | Forem | |
Pietro Monticone | @pitmonticone | @PietroMonticone | @PietroMonticone | @pitmonticone |
Claudio Moroni | @ClaudMor | @Claudio__Moroni | @claudio20497 | @claudio_moroni |
Top comments (1)
[UPDATE] MultilayerGraphs.jl has been successfully transferred to JuliaGraphs.