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Steven Siew
Steven Siew

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How to plot Logarithmic Graphs

Here is a quick julia source code for how to plot Logarithmic graphs

using Plots

cases = [10, 31, 47, 93, 109, 109, 171, 222, 266, 348, 399, 415, 430, 553, 619, 702, 827, 918,
919, 919, 1033, 1110, 1247, 1395, 1561, 1648, 1658, 1999, 2106, 2312, 2477, 2748, 2762, 2766, 2938,
3443, 3725, 4019, 4492, 4499, 4504, 4771, 5401, 5611, 6182, 6640, 6651, 6673, 6947, 7667, 7913,
8271, 9482, 9491, 9507, 9860, 10570, 11094, 11930, 13012, 13027, 13053, 13523, 14607, 15668,
16243, 17236, 17263, 17307, 18263, 19314, 20933, 21488, 22863, 22953, 23018, 24009, 25544, 26264,
27178, 28828, 28848, 28856, 31110, 32373, 33820, 34431, 35809, 35916, 35998, 36949, 38714,
40022, 40855, 42039, 42244, 42342, 43691, 44832, 45911, 47114, 48304, 48439, 48446, 49814,
50813, 51726, 52318, 53241, 53522, 53640, 54186, 55269, 56350, 56686, 57682, 57839, 57839,
58046, 59597, 60291, 60835]

function getLogTicks(vector,count=1)
    function poststr(expnum)
        n = Int64(expnum) รท 3
        if n == 0
            return ""
        elseif n == 1
            return "k"
            return "ร—\$10^{$(n*3)}\$"
    min = ceil(log10(minimum(vector)))
    max = floor(log10(maximum(vector)))
    major = [ [k*n for k = 1:count] for n in 10 .^ collect(min:max) ]
    major = hcat(major...)
    major = vec(major)
    major = filter(x->x<=maximum(vector),major)
    #majorText = ["\$10^{$(round(Int64,i))}\$" for i=min:max]
    majorText = ["$(Int64(j*10^(i%3)))$(poststr(i))" for i=min:max for j=1:count]
    majorText = majorText[1:length(major)]
    minor = [j*10^i for i=(min-1):(max+1) for j=(count+1):9]
    minor = minor[findall(minimum(vector) .<= minor .<= maximum(vector))]
    ([major; minor], [majorText; fill("", length(minor))])

# Now Plot the cases 
# using LOGSCALE for the Y-Axis
# We can't take log(0) since it is Minus Infinity
# So we assume any value less than one is one

yticks_scale = getLogTicks( [ k<1.0 ? 1.0 : k    for k in cases ], 6 );

    [ k<1.0 ? 1.0 : k    for k in cases ],
    title="Monkeypox Cases",
    linewidth=2, ylabel="Cases",
    yaxis=:log10, yticks=yticks_scale,
    markershape=:circle,size=(800,700)) |> display
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And here is the result.

Image description

The secret is the function getLogTicks which takes two arguements. The first is the numeric data in a vector format and the second argument is number of text labels on the y-axis.

Top comments (1)

baggepinnen profile image
Fredrik Bagge Carlson

I have a feeling that I've seen this code before.. :)