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Olga Eleftherakou
Olga Eleftherakou

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Creating a simple function for factorial in Julia


This article aims to show how you can create a simple function in Julia to get the factorial of a given number.

What is factorial?

The product of all integers equal to or less in value than the original number — in other words, a factorial is the number of possible combinations with numbers less than or equal to that number.

We symbolise the factorial of a number with “!” (e.g. 4!).

Formula for n factorial
Image description

Some examples




Logical zero factorial proof

As we said, a factorial is the number of possible combinations with numbers less than or equal to that number. Zero has no numbers less than it, but it is a number itself. How many arrangements can I do with 0 items? None at all. This is too a way of arrangement, so 0!=1 (none).

Suppose we have three fruits:


What are the arrangements?

3!=6 as we said previously.

Think similarly for 0!.

Function in Julia

function f(n::Int64)
    f = 1
    if n < 0
        print("Factorial does not exist for negative numbers")
     if n == 0
        print("The factorial of 0 is 1")
     if n>0
        for i in 1:n
            f = f*i
        println("The factorial is: ",f)
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Let’s ask the factorial of -3 (n=-3)


Factorial does not exist for negative numbers

Let’s ask the factorial of 0 (n=0)


The factorial of 0 is 1

Let’s ask the factorial of 3 (n=3)


The factorial is: 6

Let’s explain the part of the code below:

for i in 1:n
f = f*i
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Firstly, we defined the f as 1.

So, we start with f=1.

for i in 1:3

  1. f=1*1=1
  2. f=1*2=2
  3. f=2*3=6 end

That’s simple!


In this article, we gave a simple explanation of the factorial as well we made an easy function in Julia!

Thank you for reading!🤗

Article Cover Photo: Photo by Tommy Bond on Unsplash

Top comments (2)

miguelraz profile image
Miguel Raz Guzmán Macedo

I liked this article - I wrote a similar one when I was starting out with Julia too!
And then a kind Teacher Assistant for my course came along (with a sneaky smile) and whispered something about some ternary operator...

myfact(n::Int) = n == 0 ? 1 : n*myfact(n-1)
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...Which creeped me out.

Vexed me!

But not as much as when I found out about the world of map, reduce, and folds, and all those nifty iterator methods that can get you out of a pinch:

myfact(n::Int) = prod(big(1):n)
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sindoudedv profile image
Sindou KONE

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