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Evan Wright
Evan Wright

Posted on • Originally published at ew-git.github.io

Z3.jl - Optimization Examples Solved with Julia


Z3 is a satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver callable from Julia with Z3.jl. Documentation is somewhat lacking, so I'd like to share a worked example of optimizing an integer programming problem with Z3.jl.

We will solve Advent of Code 2018 day 23, so if you'd like to avoid spoilers, stop reading. The problem provides a list of nanobots defined by a center point in 3d space and radius, measured by Manhattan distance. For part 2 of the problem, we must find the (integer) point that lies within range of the largest number of nanobots. If there are multiple such points, we must find the one closest to the origin (0, 0, 0).

First, we'll define a struct to hold the nanobot data and process the input

using Z3

struct Nanobot

function processinput(filename)
    puzin = [[parse(Int, m.match) for m in eachmatch(r"(\-?\d+)", line)]
             for line in readlines(filename)]
    bots = [Nanobot(l...) for l in puzin]
    return bots

bots = processinput("input201823.txt")
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You can use the following example input if you don't want to log in to Advent of Code.

pos=<10,12,12>, r=2
pos=<12,14,12>, r=2
pos=<16,12,12>, r=4
pos=<14,14,14>, r=6
pos=<50,50,50>, r=200
pos=<10,10,10>, r=5
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Let's think about how we may define the problem as an integer optimization that Z3 can understand. Consider a potential solution point (x, y, z). The point is outside the radius of nanobot bot if and only if abs(bot.x - x) + abs(bot.y - y) + abs(bot.z - z) > bot.radius. We want to minimize the number bots for which that statement is true. We can collect the statements in an array, and sum the boolean values (1 = true). The resulting sum (call it noutofrange) will be our objective to minimize.

Finally, conditional on minimizing noutofrange, we want to choose the point closest to the origin, or minimize abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z) (call this value cost). Z3 uses by default a lexicographic priority of objectives. It solves first for the objective that is declared first, so this should be easy.

Define the Z3 context and necessary variables. We'll see why we need z3zero and z3one in a moment.

ctx = Context()
x = int_const(ctx, "x")
y = int_const(ctx, "y")
z = int_const(ctx, "z")
z3zero = int_val(ctx, 0)
z3one = int_val(ctx, 1)
noutofrange = int_const(ctx, "noutofrange")
cost = int_const(ctx, "cost")
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The array of boolean values (converted to integer 1 or 0) measuring whether the point is within range of each bot may now be defined as

botsoutofrange = [ite(abs(b.x - x) + abs(b.y - y) + abs(b.z - z) > b.radius,
                      z3one, z3zero) for b in bots]
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ite(a, b, c) (if then else) is a Z3 method that means

if a
    return b
    return c
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We need b and c to be Z3 expressions, hence the use of our previously defined z3one and z3zero.

Now, we initialize the optimization problem with the "constraints" that define our objective variables,

opt = Optimize(ctx)
add(opt, noutofrange == sum(botsoutofrange))
add(opt, cost == abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z))
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and finally optimize each of the objectives in order.

minimize(opt, noutofrange)
minimize(opt, cost)
res = check(opt)
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Confirm that the problem is satisfiable and print the optimal point.

@assert res == Z3.sat
m = get_model(opt)
for (k, v) in consts(m)
    println("$k = $v")
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For my input, this prints

noutofrange = 28
cost = 126233088
z = 38585775
y = 43480550
x = 44166763
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It takes about a minute to solve on my PC. That may seem slow, but the human time required to code a faster algorithm is a lot longer than a minute.1 Z3 is one of those tools that isn't often applicable, but when it is, it feels like magic.

Full Julia script

using Z3

struct Nanobot

function processinput(filename)
    puzin = [[parse(Int, m.match) for m in eachmatch(r"(\-?\d+)", line)]
             for line in readlines(filename)]
    bots = [Nanobot(l...) for l in puzin]
    return bots

function main(filename)
    bots = processinput(filename)
    ctx = Context()
    x = int_const(ctx, "x")
    y = int_const(ctx, "y")
    z = int_const(ctx, "z")
    z3zero = int_val(ctx, 0)
    z3one = int_val(ctx, 1)
    noutofrange = int_const(ctx, "noutofrange")
    cost = int_const(ctx, "cost")
    botsoutofrange = [ite(abs(b.x - x) + abs(b.y - y) + abs(b.z - z) > b.radius, z3one, z3zero)
                      for b in bots]
    opt = Optimize(ctx)
    add(opt, noutofrange == sum(botsoutofrange))
    add(opt, cost == abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z))
    minimize(opt, noutofrange)
    minimize(opt, cost)
    res = check(opt)
    @assert res == Z3.sat
    m = get_model(opt)
    for (k, v) in consts(m)
        println("$k = $v")
    return nothing

@time main("input201823.txt")
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noutofrange = 28
cost = 126233088
z = 38585775
y = 43480550
x = 44166763
 52.030344 seconds (71.38 k allocations: 3.053 MiB, 0.07% compilation time)
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Comparison with Python

The script below is the same problem solved with the Python package z3-solver. I had to manually define abs to work with Z3 in Python, but Python didn't require ite or definition of the 0 and 1 Z3 expressions like Julia. I also had occasional segfaults in the Julia version, although it wasn't reproducible when executing the file in a fresh REPL. It may be related to this issue: https://github.com/ahumenberger/Z3.jl/issues/12.

import z3
import re
import time

with open('input/input201823.txt', 'r') as f:
    actualinput = f.read()

bots = [list(map(int, re.findall('(\-?\d+)', row))) for row in actualinput.splitlines()]

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22547988/how-to-calculate-absolute-value-in-z3-or-z3py
def z3abs(x):
    return z3.If(x >= 0,x,-x)

x = z3.Int('x')
y = z3.Int('y')
z = z3.Int('z')
noutofrange = z3.Int('noutofrange')
cost = z3.Int('cost')

botsoutofrange = [z3abs(b[0]-x) + z3abs(b[1]-y) + z3abs(b[2]-z) > b[3] for b in bots]

opt = z3.Optimize()
opt.add(noutofrange == z3.Sum(botsoutofrange))
opt.add(cost == z3abs(x) + z3abs(y) + z3abs(z))
# Z3 uses by default a lexicographic priority of objectives. It solves first for the objective that is declared first.
lowestoutofrange = opt.minimize(noutofrange)
closesttoorigin = opt.minimize(cost)
print("Checking optimization...")
start_time = time.time()
print(f"Found solution in {time.time() - start_time:.2f}s")
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  1. The problem can be reformulated as a mixed-integer linear program, which is solvable nearly instantly by an optimizer like HiGHS, but that still requires some human effort to think through and implement the reformulation.  ↩

Oldest comments (2)

ochi_bo_bo profile image

Interesting piece.
Will you be posting a MILP solution using JuMP too?

zxzkja profile image
Evan Wright

Sure, I can write something up. I will try to find time this week.