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Discussion on: Julia ♥ ABM #1: Starting from scratch

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Frederik Banning

Thank you very much for your comment. Revise.jl is indeed a great tool that should be in just about every Julia user's toolkit. :) While I'm personally aware of the package, load it automatically with my startup.jl file, and use it every day, it's certainly a bit too advanced of a topic for now to explain it to somebody who just started to learn using Julia for ABMs. In this series, I've deliberately opted for a slow and step-wise approach to teaching, therefore I've spared out those more intermediate level topics for now. That being said, at a later point in this series there will be an introduction to using Pkg.jl to leverage the power of Julia's great package ecosystem. Most likely that will also be the point at which I recommend a few nice helper packages from the broader community. :)