Julia Community 🟣


Who can post to the Julia Community?

Anyone! Yes, you have permission to make a new post of any kind as long as it meets our community guidelines and gets through common-sense spam filters. Your post is subject to removal at the discretion of the moderators if they believe it does not meet the requirements of our code of conduct.

How do I post an article on the Julia Community?

Click on "Write a Post" in the top right corner of the site. Write your article, give it a title, tag it with appropriate tags, and fill out any other relevant fields. Then, once you're ready, change published: false to published: true in the front matter of the post and save. Your post will now be published.

Is there a guide for how to use the Julia Community's editor?

Yes! Here is our editor guide, you can also find it by clicking the "?" page in the editor.

How do I get featured on the home page?

The home page is selected by our editorial team. You can email us with any specific questions.

Can I cross-post something I've already written on my own blog or Medium?

Absolutely, as long as you have the rights you need to do so! And if it's of high quality, we'll feature it.

What about my post's Google ranking?

You can set the canonical_url of your post before publishing so that Google knows where to send the link juice (that precious, precious link juice).

How do I add a canonical URL?

In your post editor, click the post options button:


Then fill in your canonical URL and click down!

If you're using the basic markdown editor, you can add it inside the triple dashes, like so:

published: false
canonical_url: https://mycoolsite.com/my-post
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I found a bug (not a security vulnerability). How do I report it?

Please create an issue on Forem's repo.

I found a security vulnerability. How do I report it?

Please email yo@forem.com

How do I report spam?

For a specific comment: navigate to the comment and click the dropdown arrow to report abuse.

For a specific article: navigate to the article, scroll to the bottom and click report abuse.

In general, you can fill out the report abuse form.

How do I delete my account?

You'll find the option to delete your account in your settings. Self-deletion will remove your Julia Community profile, and all articles and comments.

If you require a full GDPR deletion, please e-mail contact@julialang.org with the subject line "GDPR Delete Request" and we will ensure that any of your remaining data is purged from all systems.

Do I own the articles that I publish?

Yes, you own the rights to the content you create and post on the Julia Community and you have the full authority to post, edit, and remove your content as you see fit.

By posting content on the Julia Community, you give us a nonexclusive license to publish it, including anything reasonably related to publishing it (like storing, displaying, reformatting, and distributing it).

Will you put ads on my posts' pages?

No ad will ever be placed next to a user's post without their consent in the matter.

How do I set a cover image on my post using the basic markdown editor?

Include cover_image: [url] in the front matter of your post. For more information on our editor, check out our editor guide.

How does comment threading work?

Comments are threaded with a maximum depth, and then they become flat. You can respond to flattened-out threads by replying to the last comment in the overall thread.

Can I hide comments on my own posts?

Yes. To hide a comment that was added to one of your posts, simply click the dropdown connected to the comment and select the "Hide" option. You can read Forem's original changelog post on the feature for more information.

Can I follow RSSes on the Julia Community?

Yes, you can. The link for our main feed can be found here: https://forem.julialang.org/. For user-specific feeds, you can find them via https://forem.julialang.org/feed/username. For tag-specific feeds, you can find them via https://forem.julialang.org/feed/tag/tagname.